Saturday, April 19, 2008
Republicans Fail Our Special Needs Texans
Dear Neighbors,
As you may know, I have stated that one of the reasons that I am running for State Representative of District 127 is to advocate for services that the state is providing to our special needs Texans. I have been clear in my position that the Republican leadership has failed miserably in this area and our current representative has simply served as a rubber stamp for Rick Perry.
Like many District 127 residents, I have family members that are in need of these services. I have personal knowledge of the lack of funding, public awareness, medical support and of the abuses that have occurred with the Mental Health and Mental Retardation program within our state.
Recently the Houston Chronicle ran an article by Jeff Carlton with the Associated Press titled, Hundreds of state employees abused Texas patients.
This article describes the prior and pending investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice of the 13 state schools and centers that provide services to these individuals. Further, this article states that 800 employees have been suspended or fired for abusing patients since fiscal year 2004.
What I find disturbing about this article is that this abuse has been occurring at an increasing rate (180 reported incidents occurred in 2004, 203 reported incidents occurred in 2005, 200 reported incidents occurred in 2006, and 239 employees were fired in 2007).
When the Republican Governor’s office was contacted and informed of the Justice Department investigation spokesperson Allison Castle stated, “We certainly welcome their findings and the governor wants to ensure all residents of state schools receive the highest quality care.”
I find this statement unacceptable. If the Republican leadership was truly concerned about these Texas residents, why did it take an investigation from the Department of Justice to finally effect a response?
Is it the position of the Republican Party to discard of these individuals because of their disabilities? Or perhaps since most are non-voting members of our society their well being is not a top priority for the Republican leadership.
I can only assure the people of District 127 that, when elected, I will represent all residents within the district and will work to ensure quality services are provided to these Texans, with respect for human dignity.
Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House Dist. 127,
Joe A. Montemayor
May 10th Elections
I wish to remind everyone that we have a School Board Election on May 10th and would encourage everyone to vote.
This election entails a number of issues particularly the funding of our Community Colleges. I strongly support these Bond proposals because we must ensure that our workforce has the tools necessary to compete in the global market.
Also I would ask for you support of candidate Vernon Reed who is seeking a seat on the Humble ISD School Board. I have met with Mr. Reed on several occasions and he is well-qualified and aware of the needs of Humble ISD. In my opinion he would be an even greater asset to our kids and our community if elected to Position 5.
Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House Dist. 127,
Joe A. Montemayor
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Interview with Jorge

Dear Neighbors,
Last week, I was interviewed by a young man, Jorge Olguin who is a student at San Jacinto Community College. He had contacted me because he was attempting to complete a special project for his Government professor and asked if I would willing to answer questions on issues involving House District 127.
I sensed that both Jorge and his professor had another motives regarding this request but nonetheless the next day over coffee I attempted to answer Jorge questions.
Jorge asked, “Mr. Montemayor, I am thankful that you agreed to answer my questions and I only wish that your opponent would do the same. I have tried to contact Mr. Crabb but he has failed to return my call and I can only get an answering machine. I understand that he has a history of not responding to residents in House District 127. Are you aware of this practice and do you intend following his practice if elected?”
I answered, “Jorge, I can understand your frustration and you are not the first person to have difficulty in reaching Mr. Crabb. In fact Mr. Crabb’s failure to return calls and refusals to meet with individuals in the district has been noted in the media. I do not know the actual circumstances regarding these incidents and it would be unfair of me to speculate what Mr. Crabb’s motives were at the time.
I can only state that when elected I would make every effort to receive all residents of House District 127. With such a large district, I anticipate that some adjustments may be necessary to schedule time and to seek the assistance from staff members to accommodate all residents of the district.”
Jorge then asked, “Sir, I graduated from Channelview High school; and have lived in the district for the past six years and I have never met Mr. Crabb, also I have asked friends of mine who have lived in Baytown, Highlands and Crosby and no one can recall Mr. Crabb attending any school function or any other community functions. I did find during the course of my research that he is very active in the Kingwood area. It appears that he is focused solely on the Kingwood area, don’t you agree?”
I replied, “Jorge, I can only refer you to Mr. Crabb for your answer.
As for myself I can only say that both my sons graduated from Channelview High School, went on to San Jacinto Community College and later to Sam Houston State where my son Joe received two degrees and my son James is still attending. My daughter and son in law live in Baytown where my three grandchildren attend Goose Creek Schools. My wife and I live in Crosby where we are active in our church, LULAC Council 4706, Knights of Columbus, Harris County Democratic Party, the Kingwood Area Democrats and the Hispanic Executive Society of Kingwood.
I realize that House District 127 is a large district that includes ten school districts with over 138,000 students and three community colleges but my hope is that as a State Representative I would serve as a role model for all students. Not only by attending school functions but also by working with parents and staff of these districts to provide a better understanding regarding the needs of all our residents and obtaining resources vital to serving the children of our districts.”
Jorge then asked, “Speaking of the children in the district, Mr. Crabb voted against the Texas Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP program) during the last legislative section but he never explained what his reasons were for voting against the program. I would like to know what your position is on this issue.”
I replied, “Jorge, I believe that in life each person must account for their actions to the people that these actions affect.
Again, I cannot speak for Mr. Crabb but it is common knowledge that the Republican leadership stated that if approved, the CHIP program would provide benefits to children of illegal aliens residing in the Texas.
Do I agree with this reason? To be truthful, no, I do not.
As I understand the program:
- The CHIP program is not a free benefit given to anyone.
- In order to qualify for the CHIP program, the parents must have assistance and incomes below established levels. (A family of three would be required to have an annual income of less that $20,000.00 per year.)
- The program allows families (parents, step-parents, grandparents, other relatives, legal guardians or adult brother or sisters) without health insurance to obtain low cost health insurance for any child (under 19 years of age) that is a United States Citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States.
- No adult regardless of their nationality or legal status can obtain coverage under the program.
- The funds that are spent by the state regarding this program are match dollar for dollar by the federal government which allows the state to cover more uninsured children.
As the interview continued, it was obvious that Jorge was voicing the same frustration that other residents have experienced with the lack of representation for our district with respect to accessibility to our elected official, education and health care.
I can only remind everyone within the district that we have the opportunity to correct this situation in November. Please visit my website at
Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House Dist. 127,
Joe A. Montemayor