Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rick Interview

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

The news of the day is that Rick Noriega has met with the Obama team in Chicago for a possible positions on the White House Staff or a top Cabinet office.

Last week, several blogger had noted that the Obama team had failed to acknowledge the Latino contribution to the landslide victory on November 4Th further, they had failed to announce any Latino being interview or considered for top position.

Now I know that I am a new comer to the blogger sphere, I also except that the Obama camp may have been prodded by my fellow blogger last week but I also believe that Rick Noriega had caught the attention of the National party as a rising star and would be a major assist to the new administration.

Admittedly, I know and consider Rick and Melissa as friends. My opinion may be a little tainted but as a retired federal agent who work in a major agency both in the field and in Washington, I assure all of you, the Noriega's have the experience and desire to make a difference regardless of the assignment.

As always I welcome you remarks.

Joe Montemayor
Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Today as my family and I prepare for the Thanksgiving season, I feel that it is only right that I stop to give thinks to the many blessing that our creator has granted me this past year.

First I give thanks for my wife Noemi who has put up with my short coming though out our 28 years of our marriage. She letting me knows when I was right but also when she thinks I was wrong she has no hesitation to tell me as well.

This year, because of all the demand that my campaign for state representative had made on her time, patients and privacy she prove what I had always known that she is my best friend, my top advisor and my one and only love..

I give thanks for my children Monica & Bill, Joey & Loraine and James who has always respected their parents, been always present in time of need and concern, and have never hesitated to support the family in what ever challenges that we face.

I give thanks to my parents Jose & Magdalena for teaching me to honor the past, respect the present and look toward the future with love hope and wisdom.

I give thanks to my siblings James, Toni and Joel and their families for the love and support thought out the years.

I also give thanks for the new friends I have meet this year who have taught me so much:
  • Stace (Dos Centavos), Silvia and Toni who believed in me when I wasn’t sure of myself.
  • The Kingwood Area Democratic (Bruce, Karen, Patty, Phillip Gary, Jerry, Charlot, Martha, Wil, and all other members) for sharing their time, knowledge, and support.
  • Melissa and Rick Noriega for giving words of encouragement to an unsure first time candidate.
  • Silvia Garcia for her support, words of kindness and knowledge of the district.
  • Armando Walle, Jessica Farra, and Anna Hernandez for their experience, advice and friendship.

Finally I give thanks for the residents Texas House District 127, who are still recovering from hurricane IKE, for taking the time to listen to my message and honoring me with their votes.

I wish you and your a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Joe A. Montemayor

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Dear Friends & Neighbors,

It seems that the Texas Board of Education has once again made the news. The issues at hand this time is the teaching of evolution in Texas School as determined by certain members of the board of education.

As most of you, I thought that this argument had been settled over 50 years ago by the Federal Courts and in fact Hollywood had made a movie of this landmark decision staring Spencer Tracy but apparently some members of the Texas Board of Education don’t get out much.

Apparently, some members feel that the language being used to teach science is inappropriate and what to rewrite the text book and the curriculum that is being taught in our high school sciences classes.

For example, instead of teaching, “The history of the earth show that dinosaurs existed over 50,000 years ago” the board would prefer “At a time undetermined, it is possibility that dinosaurs existed”

The reason given by these board members for this preferred language is that the theory of evolution is unproven in their opinion. I don’t understand the reasoning especially after the courts have ruled but perhaps these members could provide an example of what would be acceptable as proof to settle this question of evolution.

My good friend Patty has more on her Blog Texas Education.

It also appears that State Rep. Joe Crabb and Humble Superintendent Dr. Sconzo of the Humble Independent School District are having some differences of opinion about the school funding issue.

It appears that we have a “He said” vs. “No I didn’t. He said” war regarding the H.B. 1 bill that was supported by Rev. Crabb. (Check out Texas Education for the fill story.)

Regardless of who said what, school funding is now at a point that it is affecting every school in Texas. It must be addressed in this secession of the Texas Legislation.

The question is, what role will Rev. Crabb play? Will he stand up and lead or will he follow his track record and be lead?

Please give me you thoughts.
Joe A. Montemayor

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Senator Cornyn Investigation?

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Today I have read that Senator Cornyn is now calling for an investigation regarding the Houston ICE office handling of allege criminal undocumented individuals within Harris County area. I find this strange because I remember that Senator Cornyn voted to deny funding to the detention and deportation program along with a majority of the GOP leadership?

The question in my mine is why he waited until the focus was the Houston ICE field office? After all, as I understand the time period that was reported in the Chronicle was from June 2007 (Over a year ago) prior to the election where Senator Cornyn was facing challenger Rick Noriega.

NOW this is a major issue but instead of questioning the lack of response from the GOP Sheriff Tommy Thomson or the GOP DA Chuck Rosenthal who were well aware of these allege crisis last year, he is trying to create a situation where he can ride in on his white horse to save the day. (Big Bad John my???)

Folks the election is over but politics still seem to be in play. We need to get serious and stop the BS.

Please give me you thoughts.
Joe A. Montemayor

Monday, November 17, 2008

Immigration at Harris County SO

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Yesterday I read the first of a three piece story that is being presented by the Houston Chronicle about criminal aliens within the Houston Area that are not being processed and deported by ICE. The fact is this problem has been in existence not only in the Houston area but the United States for the past 20 years.

The article quoted Congressman Ted Poe (R)L

”Criminals from foreign countries who get caught after committing a crime and prosecuted should go to the top of the list of people we deport.”

However if congressman Poe had checked with the Director of Homeland Security he may have discovered that this policy has been the backbone of the deportation program for the last 30 years, even before the creation of the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

What Congressman Poe fails to mention is that he voted to deny funding for an increase in detention and deportation funding to help ICE combat this problem.

The current situation is complex but I will try to explain it in a manner that we can all understand.

First, when an individual is processed in the city or county jail, the minute that it is discovered that he is undocumented the circumstances of the case change.

Case in point, the DAs office in the past has taken the practice of dropping criminal charges if an ICE detainer is filed with the Sheriffs office. Their reasoning is that these undocumented individuals are the responsibility of the federal government (the United Stated Attorney).

The U.S Attorneys office has the history of taking the position that undocumented individuals with no criminal convictions are not subject to federal prosecution due to the limited resources that are available to their office.

Now this undocumented individual who was initially changed with a possible felony is referred to ICE as an undocumented alien. Without a criminal conviction the individual is eligible for an immigration bond under the current federal regulations. If however they had been convicted for an Aggravated Felony, they would be subject to mandatory detention under federal regulation.

This pratice is occuring everyday throught the United States and was a key issue at the begining of the Presidential election. Today several states are attempting to address the problem.

As a retired ICE agent I am familiar with this complex problem. The fact is the Chronicle failed to mention that with the limited funding provided to the Houston ICE office they are responsible not only for Harris County but is also 35 other counties southeast Texas counties.

Now the Chronicle explains that the Harris County Sheriff has trained 8 deputies to interview allege undocumented individuals leading their readers to believe that this will solve the issue. (Believe me it won’t) This is a pilot program and several question need to be answered.

To what extent do these officer’s authority extends?

Do these officers have the authority to file federal detailers?

Is ICE obligated to detain and deport all individuals identified by these officers?

Do these officers have the authority to execute deportation orders?

What liabilities dose Harris County face if these officers make a mistake?

As per the Houston Chronicle, Sheriff-elect Adrian Garcia has stated that he will reevaluate the program when he assumes the office in January and I wish him every success in dealing with this complex issue.

But I also warn my readers that it is unfair to hold any newly elected Sheriff or the Harris County Sheriffs office accountable for issues that have been ignored in the past by the DAs office and the US Attorneys office.

As always I welcome you thought and comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Cool Saturday Morning

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

On this Saturday morning I awoke to a cool breeze as I open the back door to let my wife’s pup out and I was reminded how close the holidays were. To be honest, I had been so focus on the elections that I failed to relies that Thanksgiving was around the corner.

So much has come to past since the election last week and I am trying to get caught up, however there are a few thing that caught my eye and I wanted to share some of them with you and to get your thought.

First, the local media (KHOU Channel 11) presented a story this week which reported that the local school districts are failing to report criminal activities that happen on our school campus to the State Board of Education. Moreover, some criminal activities that have occurred on these campuses are report as violation of a Student code of conduct instead of the criminal act. However, the report went on to state that the State Board of Education, has no way of following up on these reports nor appears to be willing to address the problems even when they are reported. They feel that the current Honor system is appropriate for are schools. I disagree.

Do you believe that the honor system is appropriate and do you feel that our kids are safe?

I see that the Mr. Betancourt, Harris County Tax Assessors is still under fire for questionable practices. As you may recall, he was under question for making unsubstantial allegation of voter fraud and failing to honor voter registration application for minorities’ applicants. I believe that Mr. Betancourt has to be accountable for these allegations.

Do you believe that these allegations are warranted or not and why?

I read today that President Elect Obama has meet with Senator Hillary Clinton to discuss the possibility of the Senator Clinton serving as the Sectary of State.

Do you believe that Senator Clinton will accept the position and if so, would she be an assist or a hindrance to the Obama Administration?

Please give me you thoughts.
Joe A. Montemayor

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

American Vets.

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

On this Veterans Day I wish to thank my fellow Veterans and their families for their service to our country.

Earlier this week I was honored with a number of Veterans at the American Legion Post 658 in Crosby, Texas by the JROTC of Crosby High School. These cadets provided lunch to a number of Veterans from the Crosby Area including Vets from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War and Iraqi Freedom.

At a time when our country is dealing with two wars, facing economic turmoil and a new transition in government, it is good to see the younger generation take time to recognize the sacrifices that the past generations have made to take this country where it is today, regardless of the issues that are yet to be resolved.

In witnessing these cadets' show of respect to these men who have served our country unselfishly, I realize that the words of duty, honor and country are still well-rooted in American youth.

I ask all of you to please remember our Veterans on this special day.

Joe A. Montemayor

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy B-Day Moma Flo

Friends & Neighbors

Join me in wishing a Happy Birthday to one of the great ladys of Texas. Ms. Florencia Serna Medellin mother of Toni, Silvia and Stace (Dos Centavos) Medellin.

At 78 she was still supporting Rick Noriega campaign and can still out campaign anyone.

God Bless You Mama Flo.

Status Quo

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Today while drink coffee and checking out the morning new I was astonish to see that the media is just catching on how vital the Texas House race was.

Because the house appears to be equally divided (75-75) the commentator was reporting that more than likely the blunders regarding school funding would not be address, the business margin tax would be ignored and the focus in this legislative secession would be on the in house war for the position of Speaker of the House.

Is this good for the kids of Texas, the small business owner that has seen a 500% increase in his taxes or the needs of our local economy that is recovering from IKE? Hell no, but the voters have decided so we will continue with the status quo.

Joe A. Montemayor

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thank You

Dear Neighbors,

I wish to start by congratulating Rev. Crabb in defending this seat for Texas House District 127.

Although Rev. Crabb and I disagree on the district's direction regarding education, public safety, and economic growth, the majority of the residents within the district elected to keep the status quo.

As you all know since the beginning of this campaign I have asked the residents of House District 127 not only to support my candidacy, but to support all the candidates on the Democratic ticket by voting a straight ticket. I thank the 21,932 voters who supported me, and those who supported the Democratic ticket.

Our efforts as voters contributed to great Democratic gains: Adrian Garcia was elected as Harris County Sheriff, 23 judicial candidates were elected, we have a new District Clerk in Loren Jackson, and a new County Attorney, Vince Ryan. For this I believe that we succeeded and will be always be grateful.

And finally for those of you who have asked, the only plans that I have at this time are to spend time with my family and reflect on the blessings that I have been given.

From my family to the district thank you all for all your support.

Your Democratic Candidate for State Representative,

Joe A. Montemayor