Today as my family and I prepare for the Thanksgiving season, I feel that it is only right that I stop to give thinks to the many blessing that our creator has granted me this past year.
First I give thanks for my wife Noemi who has put up with my short coming though out our 28 years of our marriage. She letting me knows when I was right but also when she thinks I was wrong she has no hesitation to tell me as well.
This year, because of all the demand that my campaign for state representative had made on her time, patients and privacy she prove what I had always known that she is my best friend, my top advisor and my one and only love..
I give thanks for my children Monica & Bill, Joey & Loraine and James who has always respected their parents, been always present in time of need and concern, and have never hesitated to support the family in what ever challenges that we face.
I give thanks to my parents Jose & Magdalena for teaching me to honor the past, respect the present and look toward the future with love hope and wisdom.
I give thanks to my siblings James, Toni and Joel and their families for the love and support thought out the years.
I also give thanks for the new friends I have meet this year who have taught me so much:
- Stace (Dos Centavos), Silvia and Toni who believed in me when I wasn’t sure of myself.
- The Kingwood Area Democratic (Bruce, Karen, Patty, Phillip Gary, Jerry, Charlot, Martha, Wil, and all other members) for sharing their time, knowledge, and support.
- Melissa and Rick Noriega for giving words of encouragement to an unsure first time candidate.
- Silvia Garcia for her support, words of kindness and knowledge of the district.
- Armando Walle, Jessica Farra, and Anna Hernandez for their experience, advice and friendship.
Finally I give thanks for the residents Texas House District 127, who are still recovering from hurricane IKE, for taking the time to listen to my message and honoring me with their votes.
I wish you and your a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Joe A. Montemayor
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