Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dear Friends

As we close out 2008, it is only natural that we take time to reflect on the issued that have affected our lives. In my case I recall that:

  • We set a new record for voter turns out in both the Primary and General election.

  • That although our community is still attempting to recover from the effects of hurricane IKE we came together as a community to assist neighbors and friends in a time of need.

  • The election of the first African American President to the United States and I had the honor of being on the same ballot with President elect Obama.

  • That we are in an economic recession (Some reports claim that we are in a depression) that is now dictating the role that our government has with industry (Banking, Housing and Auto), the education of our children, the security of our country and the credibility of our word as a nation. But I also see that we the people still believe in the future for our children and refuse to accept these situations.

  • The numerous sandaled by our elected official in both parities has tarnished the respect given to our leaders. I as a candidate felt some of the effects of these scandals. I now vow to honor the trust given to me by the voters and will strive to be the representative that they all can respect at all times.

  • The fact that a majority of the communities with in the House District 127 had to face a tax increase due to the economic recession and the lack of action by the State Legislators.

I believe that we in HD 127 agree that the challenges we face in 2008 were enough for anyone to deal with and that we look forward to a brighter future in 2009.

As always I welcome you thought and comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

To My Family and Friends,
May the magic to the holiday season fill your home and hearts every day of the year. I hope that the New Year bring us all health, happiness and daily joys.
God Bless you all,
Joe, Noemi and the Kids.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Around the Blog

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Today, while checking the Bloggers world I found the following:

Stace “Dos Centavos” Medellin tells us of mayor White quick trip to the Rio Grand Valley to meet with supporter for this newly announce bid for US Senate.
From what Stace report, mayor White has his work cut out for him to win over individual that are fearful of NAFTA reform but we here in Harris County know what a fighter the mayor is and his commitment to job creation, economic expansions and environmental commitment. In short, he is more that up to the task at hand.

Also he lets us know of the wise decision of the Denton County Democratic Party for appointing my good friend, supporter and mentor, Maria Antonia “Toni” Medellin to the Diversity Chair for Denton County. Toni is a long time organizer and will bring a wealth of knowledge to the party so I expect big things in Denton County.

Blogger Patty of “Texas Education” tells us of the states decision to suspend the school bond guarantees that have been provided for the past 25 years. What effect will this decision have on our school and institution of higher learning is unknown but I question the wisdom of this decision.

Finally Charles Kuffner of “Off the Kuff” gives his out look of the 2010 election as thing stand at this point.

The Houston Chronicle announces that Antonio “Tony” Leal has been appointed a chief of the Texas Rangers. I met Trooper Leal when he was with the DPS and I was with ICE 15 years ago in the Richmond/ Sugerland area. He is a great assist to the state and I know that he will continue to serve the state well.

Congratulation to him and his family, may they continue to have great success.

As always, I welcome your comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Late Legalization Lives Again

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

A settlement agreement has been reached regarding the case of Northwest Immigrants Rights Project (NWIRP) vs U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) regarding allege allegation of USCIS wrongfully denying cases of qualified applicants during the 1986 Legalization Program. Under the settlement agreement, these individuals will have a period of one year starting on February 1, 2009, to reopen their cases or apply for benefits if they meet the following eligibility:

Basic eligibility for legalization.

  • You entered the united States on a non-immigrant visa (for example a visitor’s visa, or student visa, or temporary worker visa) prior to January 1, 1982: and
  • You lived continuously and illegally in the United States from prior to January 1, 1982 until some time between May 5, 1987 and May 4, 1988, when you visited the INS or a Qualified Designated Entity (QED) to apply for legalization under the 1986 “amnesty “ Law: and
  • You have not been convicted of certain criminal offences: (1) one felony or three misdemeanors in the United States, (2) any crime involving moral turpitude, such as theft or fraud, except a single petty offense or a juvenile conviction, or (3) any drug offense, except simple possession of marijuana under 30 grams.
IAP/NWIRP requirements.
  • You violated your nonimmigrant status prior to January 1, 1982 and that violation of status is evident based on a review of federal government files (for example, you worked without authorization before January 1, 1982 and you have a Social Security record, tax record, or other federal government record to show income related to your pre-1982, unauthorized work in your name: or you were here with a non-immigrant visa and before 1982, you failed to file annual or quarterly address reports with INS, as then required by law): or
  • You entered the United States prior to January 1, 1982 as a student (On “F” or “J” visa) or as a temporary worker(on “H” or “L” visa) , and you failed to maintain your status through January 1, 1982 (for example, before January 1, 1982, you dropped out of school, took less than a full course of study, transferred schools without advance INS authorization, or terminated your authorized H or L employment): or
  • After January 1, 1982, you obtained reinstatement to nonimmigrant status, or entry into the United States on a nonimmigrant visa, or a change of nonimmigrant status, or adjustment of status, or some other immigration benefit that apparently put you in lawful immigration status, though you did not qualify for such benefit (for example, because when you applied for the benefits, you did not inform INS or the consulate that you had previously worked without authorization).

Attempt to file timely application.

  • You must have either, filed an application for legalization or attempted to apply at an INS or QDE office between May 5, 1987 and May 4, 1988, and been denied an application n form, told that you were ineligible for legalization, or told that your application for legalization would not be accepted.

The fact that it took 21 years for the form Immigration Service (INS), now USCIS, to admit that they may have had a problem during the legalization program come as no surprise to the individuals who deal with immigration issues on a daily basis.

This is just another example of why we are in desperate need of immigration reform.

It is my hope that President Obama’s administration will keep their promise not only to the Latino community but to all Immigrant community (that includes of 126 nationalities in Harris County) that immigration reform will be address within the first 100 days of the new administration.

As always, I welcome your comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vote for Chris Bell SD 17

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

As most of you already know, today we have a runoff election for Texas Senate seat SD17.

You may be asking how dose this election effect me if I am in SD 4.

The fact is that we need as may individual in the Texas Senate that has the interests of our children and grandchildren first. Not the interest of the lobbyist that are camp out at the state house day and night.

For this reason I am asking the residents Texas House District 127, to contact any one they may know in SD 17 (family, friend, co-worker, client, customer or acquaintance) and ask them to vote for Chris Bell.

Chris has a long history of community service and experience that we need in Austin. He has my support and I believe that he is the only true choice.

Joe A. Montemayor

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Why Resign???

Dear Friends

The story that has been dominating the weekend news has been the resignation of Mr. Paul Bettencourt as Harris County Tax Assessor. Given that he had just won re-election his decision to resign at this particular time with a pending investigation by the US Justice Department civil rights division is highly suspicious.

Is this pending investigation the reason that he has has decided to resign?

It is no secret that Mr. Bettencourt had been under media attention for his office failure of processing the application of qualified voter; that his office has been questioned about the fact that a number of these rejected application had Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or Asian surnames; that his office has purged thousand of register voter from the voter rolls just before elections with little or no justification and that this questionable practice may have effected the out come of a number of election. In an attempt to justify his actions, Mr. Bettencourt had presented 300 plus cases to the Texas House of Representative of allege voter fraud during the last legislative secession. Subsequently, of all these cases presented, only one case was found to be questionable and the individual involved was convicted of a misdemeanor offence.

Would the Justice Department find these practices worth and investigation?


Further given the fact that a number of other Harris County GOP elected officials are under investigation (DA Rosenthal, Sheriff Thomas and Harris County Commissioner Eversole) a normal vote has to ask themselves if the local GOP leader knew of these practices and if they did they approve of they collages actions.

NOW we needed is a STRONG ETHICAL candidate that is aware of the present problems that have plagued the Tax office, that has the experience in the financial world, is able to work in a bipartisan era and is respected by the community. We are fortunate to have such as candidate in Diane Trautman.

As most of you know, Diane Trautman supported my campaign, is a friend and I admit that I would be overjoyed if she were to gain the appointment but rather that repeat her gold star resume I would prefer you read her response.

When contacted about Mr. Bettencourt’s resignation, Ms. Trautman stated, “Since the beginning, my campaign has been about protecting the rights of voters, and ensuring that their voices are heard. It is unfortunate that Mr. Bettencourt has deprived the voters of an opportunity to decide who will lead the tax office at this critical time in our county’s future. But I don’t want to spend my time focusing on the wrongs of my former opponent, but rather, we should be focusing on how we as a county, Republicans and Democrats together, will go forward and select a leader that will put the needs of the people of Harris County above partisan politics. I believe that I am that leader, with my background in ethics and administrative experience, all of the things that earned me the endorsement of the Houston Chronicle. I hope that the choice will not be about partisan politics but rather the good of Harris County Residents.”

Now it will be up to the Harris County Commissioners Court to fill the position. The present make up of the court is 3 Republican and 2 Democratic giving the edge to the GOP however, given their track record this year, I am sure that the decision will be closely watch by every Harris County resident.

Knowing well what is at stake, I am asking my family, friends and all my supporters (21,000 plus) to follow my example and contact your Harris County Commissioner and ask that they support the appointment of Diane Trautman to Harris County Tax Assessor.

As always I welcome you thought and comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Townhall Meeting In Channelview

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

During my campaign for Texas House District 127, I made a commitment that win, lose or draw, I would continue to listen to the district concerns, attempt to find solution to these concerns and educate the residents of the district of pending litigation before the legislators in Austin.

In keeping this promise, I will host a Town hall meeting in the district on Saturday December 20, 2008 at the North Channel Branch of the Harris County Public Library located at 15741 Wallisville Rd in Channelview TX 77049 from 11A.M to 12 Noon.

I have also invited Latino community leaders from the area to attend and anticipate a number of issues to be presented.

  • Education
  • Public service
  • Voters Rights
  • Immigration issues

All are welcome but space is limited. Please let me know if there are other issues you would like to discuss.

As always I welcome you comments.

Joe Montemayor

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lack of Latino in the Obama Administration

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Today, I would like to address a fact that President elect Obama's transition team has committed the same error that previous administration have made, further this error could have a lasting effect on the President elect administration. It is the same error that the Republican party committed and it cost them very dearly the last election cycle.

What is the error? The lack of respect to the Latino voting community.

Both Dos Centavos Stace Medellin and Marco Campos Latino leader in our community point to this fact in their blogs.

The fact that our top elected Latino Governor Richarson with a Gold Star Resume ( seven-term member of Congress; special envoy to North Korea, Iraq, Cuba and Sudan; U.N. ambassador; energy secretary; governor; and five-time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize) and a top supporter of the Obama campaign was snub for Sectary of State. (At last report unofficially, he may be named a Sectary of Commerce now that someone else (non-Latino) had turn down the job.)

This lack of judgement is not good for the new administration considering that Governor Richardson help win the Latino vote in several states (including 5 battleground states) and has become the focus point for several Hispanic organization.

In fact, the National Council of La Raza, added this about Richardson: "His appointment would send-a powerful message to Latinos throughout our country as well as to our neighbors in this hemisphere."

Now what message has been sent? Was this error intentional or an error in judgement? Will the new administration value the Latino voting community or will we again face an administration who make false promises? And what will happen in 2010?

The message from President elect Obama during his campaign was for Change (Cambio) but for the Latino voter so far there is no Cambio.

I welcome your thought and comments.

Joe Montemayor