Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Today, I would like to address a fact that President elect Obama's transition team has committed the same error that previous administration have made, further this error could have a lasting effect on the President elect administration. It is the same error that the Republican party committed and it cost them very dearly the last election cycle.
What is the error? The lack of respect to the Latino voting community.
The fact that our top elected Latino Governor Richarson with a Gold Star Resume ( seven-term member of Congress; special envoy to North Korea, Iraq, Cuba and Sudan; U.N. ambassador; energy secretary; governor; and five-time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize) and a top supporter of the Obama campaign was snub for Sectary of State. (At last report unofficially, he may be named a Sectary of Commerce now that someone else (non-Latino) had turn down the job.)
This lack of judgement is not good for the new administration considering that Governor Richardson help win the Latino vote in several states (including 5 battleground states) and has become the focus point for several Hispanic organization.
In fact, the National Council of La Raza, added this about Richardson: "His appointment would send-a powerful message to Latinos throughout our country as well as to our neighbors in this hemisphere."
Now what message has been sent? Was this error intentional or an error in judgement? Will the new administration value the Latino voting community or will we again face an administration who make false promises? And what will happen in 2010?
The message from President elect Obama during his campaign was for Change (Cambio) but for the Latino voter so far there is no Cambio.
I welcome your thought and comments.
Joe Montemayor
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