Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dear Friends

As we close out 2008, it is only natural that we take time to reflect on the issued that have affected our lives. In my case I recall that:

  • We set a new record for voter turns out in both the Primary and General election.

  • That although our community is still attempting to recover from the effects of hurricane IKE we came together as a community to assist neighbors and friends in a time of need.

  • The election of the first African American President to the United States and I had the honor of being on the same ballot with President elect Obama.

  • That we are in an economic recession (Some reports claim that we are in a depression) that is now dictating the role that our government has with industry (Banking, Housing and Auto), the education of our children, the security of our country and the credibility of our word as a nation. But I also see that we the people still believe in the future for our children and refuse to accept these situations.

  • The numerous sandaled by our elected official in both parities has tarnished the respect given to our leaders. I as a candidate felt some of the effects of these scandals. I now vow to honor the trust given to me by the voters and will strive to be the representative that they all can respect at all times.

  • The fact that a majority of the communities with in the House District 127 had to face a tax increase due to the economic recession and the lack of action by the State Legislators.

I believe that we in HD 127 agree that the challenges we face in 2008 were enough for anyone to deal with and that we look forward to a brighter future in 2009.

As always I welcome you thought and comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

To My Family and Friends,
May the magic to the holiday season fill your home and hearts every day of the year. I hope that the New Year bring us all health, happiness and daily joys.
God Bless you all,
Joe, Noemi and the Kids.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Around the Blog

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Today, while checking the Bloggers world I found the following:

Stace “Dos Centavos” Medellin tells us of mayor White quick trip to the Rio Grand Valley to meet with supporter for this newly announce bid for US Senate.
From what Stace report, mayor White has his work cut out for him to win over individual that are fearful of NAFTA reform but we here in Harris County know what a fighter the mayor is and his commitment to job creation, economic expansions and environmental commitment. In short, he is more that up to the task at hand.

Also he lets us know of the wise decision of the Denton County Democratic Party for appointing my good friend, supporter and mentor, Maria Antonia “Toni” Medellin to the Diversity Chair for Denton County. Toni is a long time organizer and will bring a wealth of knowledge to the party so I expect big things in Denton County.

Blogger Patty of “Texas Education” tells us of the states decision to suspend the school bond guarantees that have been provided for the past 25 years. What effect will this decision have on our school and institution of higher learning is unknown but I question the wisdom of this decision.

Finally Charles Kuffner of “Off the Kuff” gives his out look of the 2010 election as thing stand at this point.

The Houston Chronicle announces that Antonio “Tony” Leal has been appointed a chief of the Texas Rangers. I met Trooper Leal when he was with the DPS and I was with ICE 15 years ago in the Richmond/ Sugerland area. He is a great assist to the state and I know that he will continue to serve the state well.

Congratulation to him and his family, may they continue to have great success.

As always, I welcome your comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Late Legalization Lives Again

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

A settlement agreement has been reached regarding the case of Northwest Immigrants Rights Project (NWIRP) vs U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) regarding allege allegation of USCIS wrongfully denying cases of qualified applicants during the 1986 Legalization Program. Under the settlement agreement, these individuals will have a period of one year starting on February 1, 2009, to reopen their cases or apply for benefits if they meet the following eligibility:

Basic eligibility for legalization.

  • You entered the united States on a non-immigrant visa (for example a visitor’s visa, or student visa, or temporary worker visa) prior to January 1, 1982: and
  • You lived continuously and illegally in the United States from prior to January 1, 1982 until some time between May 5, 1987 and May 4, 1988, when you visited the INS or a Qualified Designated Entity (QED) to apply for legalization under the 1986 “amnesty “ Law: and
  • You have not been convicted of certain criminal offences: (1) one felony or three misdemeanors in the United States, (2) any crime involving moral turpitude, such as theft or fraud, except a single petty offense or a juvenile conviction, or (3) any drug offense, except simple possession of marijuana under 30 grams.
IAP/NWIRP requirements.
  • You violated your nonimmigrant status prior to January 1, 1982 and that violation of status is evident based on a review of federal government files (for example, you worked without authorization before January 1, 1982 and you have a Social Security record, tax record, or other federal government record to show income related to your pre-1982, unauthorized work in your name: or you were here with a non-immigrant visa and before 1982, you failed to file annual or quarterly address reports with INS, as then required by law): or
  • You entered the United States prior to January 1, 1982 as a student (On “F” or “J” visa) or as a temporary worker(on “H” or “L” visa) , and you failed to maintain your status through January 1, 1982 (for example, before January 1, 1982, you dropped out of school, took less than a full course of study, transferred schools without advance INS authorization, or terminated your authorized H or L employment): or
  • After January 1, 1982, you obtained reinstatement to nonimmigrant status, or entry into the United States on a nonimmigrant visa, or a change of nonimmigrant status, or adjustment of status, or some other immigration benefit that apparently put you in lawful immigration status, though you did not qualify for such benefit (for example, because when you applied for the benefits, you did not inform INS or the consulate that you had previously worked without authorization).

Attempt to file timely application.

  • You must have either, filed an application for legalization or attempted to apply at an INS or QDE office between May 5, 1987 and May 4, 1988, and been denied an application n form, told that you were ineligible for legalization, or told that your application for legalization would not be accepted.

The fact that it took 21 years for the form Immigration Service (INS), now USCIS, to admit that they may have had a problem during the legalization program come as no surprise to the individuals who deal with immigration issues on a daily basis.

This is just another example of why we are in desperate need of immigration reform.

It is my hope that President Obama’s administration will keep their promise not only to the Latino community but to all Immigrant community (that includes of 126 nationalities in Harris County) that immigration reform will be address within the first 100 days of the new administration.

As always, I welcome your comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vote for Chris Bell SD 17

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

As most of you already know, today we have a runoff election for Texas Senate seat SD17.

You may be asking how dose this election effect me if I am in SD 4.

The fact is that we need as may individual in the Texas Senate that has the interests of our children and grandchildren first. Not the interest of the lobbyist that are camp out at the state house day and night.

For this reason I am asking the residents Texas House District 127, to contact any one they may know in SD 17 (family, friend, co-worker, client, customer or acquaintance) and ask them to vote for Chris Bell.

Chris has a long history of community service and experience that we need in Austin. He has my support and I believe that he is the only true choice.

Joe A. Montemayor

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Why Resign???

Dear Friends

The story that has been dominating the weekend news has been the resignation of Mr. Paul Bettencourt as Harris County Tax Assessor. Given that he had just won re-election his decision to resign at this particular time with a pending investigation by the US Justice Department civil rights division is highly suspicious.

Is this pending investigation the reason that he has has decided to resign?

It is no secret that Mr. Bettencourt had been under media attention for his office failure of processing the application of qualified voter; that his office has been questioned about the fact that a number of these rejected application had Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or Asian surnames; that his office has purged thousand of register voter from the voter rolls just before elections with little or no justification and that this questionable practice may have effected the out come of a number of election. In an attempt to justify his actions, Mr. Bettencourt had presented 300 plus cases to the Texas House of Representative of allege voter fraud during the last legislative secession. Subsequently, of all these cases presented, only one case was found to be questionable and the individual involved was convicted of a misdemeanor offence.

Would the Justice Department find these practices worth and investigation?


Further given the fact that a number of other Harris County GOP elected officials are under investigation (DA Rosenthal, Sheriff Thomas and Harris County Commissioner Eversole) a normal vote has to ask themselves if the local GOP leader knew of these practices and if they did they approve of they collages actions.

NOW we needed is a STRONG ETHICAL candidate that is aware of the present problems that have plagued the Tax office, that has the experience in the financial world, is able to work in a bipartisan era and is respected by the community. We are fortunate to have such as candidate in Diane Trautman.

As most of you know, Diane Trautman supported my campaign, is a friend and I admit that I would be overjoyed if she were to gain the appointment but rather that repeat her gold star resume I would prefer you read her response.

When contacted about Mr. Bettencourt’s resignation, Ms. Trautman stated, “Since the beginning, my campaign has been about protecting the rights of voters, and ensuring that their voices are heard. It is unfortunate that Mr. Bettencourt has deprived the voters of an opportunity to decide who will lead the tax office at this critical time in our county’s future. But I don’t want to spend my time focusing on the wrongs of my former opponent, but rather, we should be focusing on how we as a county, Republicans and Democrats together, will go forward and select a leader that will put the needs of the people of Harris County above partisan politics. I believe that I am that leader, with my background in ethics and administrative experience, all of the things that earned me the endorsement of the Houston Chronicle. I hope that the choice will not be about partisan politics but rather the good of Harris County Residents.”

Now it will be up to the Harris County Commissioners Court to fill the position. The present make up of the court is 3 Republican and 2 Democratic giving the edge to the GOP however, given their track record this year, I am sure that the decision will be closely watch by every Harris County resident.

Knowing well what is at stake, I am asking my family, friends and all my supporters (21,000 plus) to follow my example and contact your Harris County Commissioner and ask that they support the appointment of Diane Trautman to Harris County Tax Assessor.

As always I welcome you thought and comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Townhall Meeting In Channelview

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

During my campaign for Texas House District 127, I made a commitment that win, lose or draw, I would continue to listen to the district concerns, attempt to find solution to these concerns and educate the residents of the district of pending litigation before the legislators in Austin.

In keeping this promise, I will host a Town hall meeting in the district on Saturday December 20, 2008 at the North Channel Branch of the Harris County Public Library located at 15741 Wallisville Rd in Channelview TX 77049 from 11A.M to 12 Noon.

I have also invited Latino community leaders from the area to attend and anticipate a number of issues to be presented.

  • Education
  • Public service
  • Voters Rights
  • Immigration issues

All are welcome but space is limited. Please let me know if there are other issues you would like to discuss.

As always I welcome you comments.

Joe Montemayor

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lack of Latino in the Obama Administration

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Today, I would like to address a fact that President elect Obama's transition team has committed the same error that previous administration have made, further this error could have a lasting effect on the President elect administration. It is the same error that the Republican party committed and it cost them very dearly the last election cycle.

What is the error? The lack of respect to the Latino voting community.

Both Dos Centavos Stace Medellin and Marco Campos Latino leader in our community point to this fact in their blogs.

The fact that our top elected Latino Governor Richarson with a Gold Star Resume ( seven-term member of Congress; special envoy to North Korea, Iraq, Cuba and Sudan; U.N. ambassador; energy secretary; governor; and five-time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize) and a top supporter of the Obama campaign was snub for Sectary of State. (At last report unofficially, he may be named a Sectary of Commerce now that someone else (non-Latino) had turn down the job.)

This lack of judgement is not good for the new administration considering that Governor Richardson help win the Latino vote in several states (including 5 battleground states) and has become the focus point for several Hispanic organization.

In fact, the National Council of La Raza, added this about Richardson: "His appointment would send-a powerful message to Latinos throughout our country as well as to our neighbors in this hemisphere."

Now what message has been sent? Was this error intentional or an error in judgement? Will the new administration value the Latino voting community or will we again face an administration who make false promises? And what will happen in 2010?

The message from President elect Obama during his campaign was for Change (Cambio) but for the Latino voter so far there is no Cambio.

I welcome your thought and comments.

Joe Montemayor

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rick Interview

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

The news of the day is that Rick Noriega has met with the Obama team in Chicago for a possible positions on the White House Staff or a top Cabinet office.

Last week, several blogger had noted that the Obama team had failed to acknowledge the Latino contribution to the landslide victory on November 4Th further, they had failed to announce any Latino being interview or considered for top position.

Now I know that I am a new comer to the blogger sphere, I also except that the Obama camp may have been prodded by my fellow blogger last week but I also believe that Rick Noriega had caught the attention of the National party as a rising star and would be a major assist to the new administration.

Admittedly, I know and consider Rick and Melissa as friends. My opinion may be a little tainted but as a retired federal agent who work in a major agency both in the field and in Washington, I assure all of you, the Noriega's have the experience and desire to make a difference regardless of the assignment.

As always I welcome you remarks.

Joe Montemayor
Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Today as my family and I prepare for the Thanksgiving season, I feel that it is only right that I stop to give thinks to the many blessing that our creator has granted me this past year.

First I give thanks for my wife Noemi who has put up with my short coming though out our 28 years of our marriage. She letting me knows when I was right but also when she thinks I was wrong she has no hesitation to tell me as well.

This year, because of all the demand that my campaign for state representative had made on her time, patients and privacy she prove what I had always known that she is my best friend, my top advisor and my one and only love..

I give thanks for my children Monica & Bill, Joey & Loraine and James who has always respected their parents, been always present in time of need and concern, and have never hesitated to support the family in what ever challenges that we face.

I give thanks to my parents Jose & Magdalena for teaching me to honor the past, respect the present and look toward the future with love hope and wisdom.

I give thanks to my siblings James, Toni and Joel and their families for the love and support thought out the years.

I also give thanks for the new friends I have meet this year who have taught me so much:
  • Stace (Dos Centavos), Silvia and Toni who believed in me when I wasn’t sure of myself.
  • The Kingwood Area Democratic (Bruce, Karen, Patty, Phillip Gary, Jerry, Charlot, Martha, Wil, and all other members) for sharing their time, knowledge, and support.
  • Melissa and Rick Noriega for giving words of encouragement to an unsure first time candidate.
  • Silvia Garcia for her support, words of kindness and knowledge of the district.
  • Armando Walle, Jessica Farra, and Anna Hernandez for their experience, advice and friendship.

Finally I give thanks for the residents Texas House District 127, who are still recovering from hurricane IKE, for taking the time to listen to my message and honoring me with their votes.

I wish you and your a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Joe A. Montemayor

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Dear Friends & Neighbors,

It seems that the Texas Board of Education has once again made the news. The issues at hand this time is the teaching of evolution in Texas School as determined by certain members of the board of education.

As most of you, I thought that this argument had been settled over 50 years ago by the Federal Courts and in fact Hollywood had made a movie of this landmark decision staring Spencer Tracy but apparently some members of the Texas Board of Education don’t get out much.

Apparently, some members feel that the language being used to teach science is inappropriate and what to rewrite the text book and the curriculum that is being taught in our high school sciences classes.

For example, instead of teaching, “The history of the earth show that dinosaurs existed over 50,000 years ago” the board would prefer “At a time undetermined, it is possibility that dinosaurs existed”

The reason given by these board members for this preferred language is that the theory of evolution is unproven in their opinion. I don’t understand the reasoning especially after the courts have ruled but perhaps these members could provide an example of what would be acceptable as proof to settle this question of evolution.

My good friend Patty has more on her Blog Texas Education.

It also appears that State Rep. Joe Crabb and Humble Superintendent Dr. Sconzo of the Humble Independent School District are having some differences of opinion about the school funding issue.

It appears that we have a “He said” vs. “No I didn’t. He said” war regarding the H.B. 1 bill that was supported by Rev. Crabb. (Check out Texas Education for the fill story.)

Regardless of who said what, school funding is now at a point that it is affecting every school in Texas. It must be addressed in this secession of the Texas Legislation.

The question is, what role will Rev. Crabb play? Will he stand up and lead or will he follow his track record and be lead?

Please give me you thoughts.
Joe A. Montemayor

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Senator Cornyn Investigation?

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Today I have read that Senator Cornyn is now calling for an investigation regarding the Houston ICE office handling of allege criminal undocumented individuals within Harris County area. I find this strange because I remember that Senator Cornyn voted to deny funding to the detention and deportation program along with a majority of the GOP leadership?

The question in my mine is why he waited until the focus was the Houston ICE field office? After all, as I understand the time period that was reported in the Chronicle was from June 2007 (Over a year ago) prior to the election where Senator Cornyn was facing challenger Rick Noriega.

NOW this is a major issue but instead of questioning the lack of response from the GOP Sheriff Tommy Thomson or the GOP DA Chuck Rosenthal who were well aware of these allege crisis last year, he is trying to create a situation where he can ride in on his white horse to save the day. (Big Bad John my???)

Folks the election is over but politics still seem to be in play. We need to get serious and stop the BS.

Please give me you thoughts.
Joe A. Montemayor

Monday, November 17, 2008

Immigration at Harris County SO

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Yesterday I read the first of a three piece story that is being presented by the Houston Chronicle about criminal aliens within the Houston Area that are not being processed and deported by ICE. The fact is this problem has been in existence not only in the Houston area but the United States for the past 20 years.

The article quoted Congressman Ted Poe (R)L

”Criminals from foreign countries who get caught after committing a crime and prosecuted should go to the top of the list of people we deport.”

However if congressman Poe had checked with the Director of Homeland Security he may have discovered that this policy has been the backbone of the deportation program for the last 30 years, even before the creation of the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

What Congressman Poe fails to mention is that he voted to deny funding for an increase in detention and deportation funding to help ICE combat this problem.

The current situation is complex but I will try to explain it in a manner that we can all understand.

First, when an individual is processed in the city or county jail, the minute that it is discovered that he is undocumented the circumstances of the case change.

Case in point, the DAs office in the past has taken the practice of dropping criminal charges if an ICE detainer is filed with the Sheriffs office. Their reasoning is that these undocumented individuals are the responsibility of the federal government (the United Stated Attorney).

The U.S Attorneys office has the history of taking the position that undocumented individuals with no criminal convictions are not subject to federal prosecution due to the limited resources that are available to their office.

Now this undocumented individual who was initially changed with a possible felony is referred to ICE as an undocumented alien. Without a criminal conviction the individual is eligible for an immigration bond under the current federal regulations. If however they had been convicted for an Aggravated Felony, they would be subject to mandatory detention under federal regulation.

This pratice is occuring everyday throught the United States and was a key issue at the begining of the Presidential election. Today several states are attempting to address the problem.

As a retired ICE agent I am familiar with this complex problem. The fact is the Chronicle failed to mention that with the limited funding provided to the Houston ICE office they are responsible not only for Harris County but is also 35 other counties southeast Texas counties.

Now the Chronicle explains that the Harris County Sheriff has trained 8 deputies to interview allege undocumented individuals leading their readers to believe that this will solve the issue. (Believe me it won’t) This is a pilot program and several question need to be answered.

To what extent do these officer’s authority extends?

Do these officers have the authority to file federal detailers?

Is ICE obligated to detain and deport all individuals identified by these officers?

Do these officers have the authority to execute deportation orders?

What liabilities dose Harris County face if these officers make a mistake?

As per the Houston Chronicle, Sheriff-elect Adrian Garcia has stated that he will reevaluate the program when he assumes the office in January and I wish him every success in dealing with this complex issue.

But I also warn my readers that it is unfair to hold any newly elected Sheriff or the Harris County Sheriffs office accountable for issues that have been ignored in the past by the DAs office and the US Attorneys office.

As always I welcome you thought and comments.

Joe A. Montemayor

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Cool Saturday Morning

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

On this Saturday morning I awoke to a cool breeze as I open the back door to let my wife’s pup out and I was reminded how close the holidays were. To be honest, I had been so focus on the elections that I failed to relies that Thanksgiving was around the corner.

So much has come to past since the election last week and I am trying to get caught up, however there are a few thing that caught my eye and I wanted to share some of them with you and to get your thought.

First, the local media (KHOU Channel 11) presented a story this week which reported that the local school districts are failing to report criminal activities that happen on our school campus to the State Board of Education. Moreover, some criminal activities that have occurred on these campuses are report as violation of a Student code of conduct instead of the criminal act. However, the report went on to state that the State Board of Education, has no way of following up on these reports nor appears to be willing to address the problems even when they are reported. They feel that the current Honor system is appropriate for are schools. I disagree.

Do you believe that the honor system is appropriate and do you feel that our kids are safe?

I see that the Mr. Betancourt, Harris County Tax Assessors is still under fire for questionable practices. As you may recall, he was under question for making unsubstantial allegation of voter fraud and failing to honor voter registration application for minorities’ applicants. I believe that Mr. Betancourt has to be accountable for these allegations.

Do you believe that these allegations are warranted or not and why?

I read today that President Elect Obama has meet with Senator Hillary Clinton to discuss the possibility of the Senator Clinton serving as the Sectary of State.

Do you believe that Senator Clinton will accept the position and if so, would she be an assist or a hindrance to the Obama Administration?

Please give me you thoughts.
Joe A. Montemayor

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

American Vets.

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

On this Veterans Day I wish to thank my fellow Veterans and their families for their service to our country.

Earlier this week I was honored with a number of Veterans at the American Legion Post 658 in Crosby, Texas by the JROTC of Crosby High School. These cadets provided lunch to a number of Veterans from the Crosby Area including Vets from WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War and Iraqi Freedom.

At a time when our country is dealing with two wars, facing economic turmoil and a new transition in government, it is good to see the younger generation take time to recognize the sacrifices that the past generations have made to take this country where it is today, regardless of the issues that are yet to be resolved.

In witnessing these cadets' show of respect to these men who have served our country unselfishly, I realize that the words of duty, honor and country are still well-rooted in American youth.

I ask all of you to please remember our Veterans on this special day.

Joe A. Montemayor

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy B-Day Moma Flo

Friends & Neighbors

Join me in wishing a Happy Birthday to one of the great ladys of Texas. Ms. Florencia Serna Medellin mother of Toni, Silvia and Stace (Dos Centavos) Medellin.

At 78 she was still supporting Rick Noriega campaign and can still out campaign anyone.

God Bless You Mama Flo.

Status Quo

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Today while drink coffee and checking out the morning new I was astonish to see that the media is just catching on how vital the Texas House race was.

Because the house appears to be equally divided (75-75) the commentator was reporting that more than likely the blunders regarding school funding would not be address, the business margin tax would be ignored and the focus in this legislative secession would be on the in house war for the position of Speaker of the House.

Is this good for the kids of Texas, the small business owner that has seen a 500% increase in his taxes or the needs of our local economy that is recovering from IKE? Hell no, but the voters have decided so we will continue with the status quo.

Joe A. Montemayor

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thank You

Dear Neighbors,

I wish to start by congratulating Rev. Crabb in defending this seat for Texas House District 127.

Although Rev. Crabb and I disagree on the district's direction regarding education, public safety, and economic growth, the majority of the residents within the district elected to keep the status quo.

As you all know since the beginning of this campaign I have asked the residents of House District 127 not only to support my candidacy, but to support all the candidates on the Democratic ticket by voting a straight ticket. I thank the 21,932 voters who supported me, and those who supported the Democratic ticket.

Our efforts as voters contributed to great Democratic gains: Adrian Garcia was elected as Harris County Sheriff, 23 judicial candidates were elected, we have a new District Clerk in Loren Jackson, and a new County Attorney, Vince Ryan. For this I believe that we succeeded and will be always be grateful.

And finally for those of you who have asked, the only plans that I have at this time are to spend time with my family and reflect on the blessings that I have been given.

From my family to the district thank you all for all your support.

Your Democratic Candidate for State Representative,

Joe A. Montemayor

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where's Joe Crabb?

A town hall meeting was held at the Humble ISD administration building to discuss the 13 cent tax increase to be voted on by Humble ISD voters. HISD includes voters in Humble, Kingwood, and Atascocita.

Facing a $26 million shortfall, Humble ISD leaders had to make various cuts to the budget, as well as place a 13 cent property tax increase up for a vote. Without the 13 cent tax rate increase, Humble ISDs superintendent will have to go back to the cutting room for some more drastic cuts to the budget.

Much of this is occuring as the Republican-heavy Texas Legislature continues to starve public schools.

The main question during the evening was, "Where's Joe Crabb?"

No one could answer, but several people mentioned that the person who was there was Joe Montemayor, who is challenging Crabb for his Texas House District 127 seat.

When speaking to members of the press and spectators, Montemayor stated, "This election is not about Republican or Democrat, it's about the kids," adding, "When you go to the polls, be independent and support my campaign for change."

Of course, let's answer the question about just where Crabb is.

Lately, it seems he's been hanging around in Gonzales, TX at his ranch. According to an October 18 news story in the Gonzales Inquirer, Joe Crabb had attempted to pressure the Gonzales County Commissioner's Court to not place a small stretch of county road by a piece of land adjacent to his.

At issue is whether the county is responsible for maintaining roughly 610 feet of the road which would then give access to land which is for sale and owned by a woman in Nevada.

This issue arose a couple of months ago when county commissioner Donnie Brzozowski asked and received approval from the commission to post a notice in the area saying the county planned to maintain that portion of the road. Apparently, the road has not been maintained for many years although Brzozowski points out the road bed is there and fences are in place.

The sign was indeed posted and Brzozowski thought it was simply a matter of getting formal approval from the commission.

However, that all changed during a commission meeting last month.

An adjacent landowner came to the meeting and said he felt the county should not maintain the road. That landowner was Joe Crabb of Humble, who is also a state representative from District 127, which is in the Houston area.

Crabb did not say he was a state representative when he spoke to commissioners last month.

After Crabb's plea, the commission decided not to allow Brzozowski to maintain the road, voting it down 3-1.

"They voted to go ahead and post it," said Brzozowski in an interview several weeks ago. "If the did not want it, why go ahead and post it?"

"It was a county road at one time," said Judge David Bird in an interview also several weeks ago.
Crabb's neighbor had requested that the road be repaired and maintained so that she could sell the land. Crabb, apparently, only wanted to block the road so that he could lower the property values for his own benefit and purchase. Blocking the road would leave neighbor landlocked.

Ultimately, the road was maintained and repaired, and the landowner is happy.

First of all, let us question the fact that Joe Crabb would attempt to do this to a neighbor. As a property rights advocate, one would think Joe Crabb wouldn't support a government's involvement in a land issue. But it just goes to show that he'll use government for his own benefit.

The next question is: Is he even living in District 127? Rumor has it that his home in Atascocita Shores is all but abandoned; some say in dire need of maintenance and repairs. So much so, during Hurricane Ike, a tree from his yard fell into his neighbor's yard and he has not been around to fix the situation.

Yes, this election is about how Joe Crabb has neglected over 40,000 students in the District 127. But it is also about Joe Crabb's corrupt side.

Really, is it no surprise that most of his contributions are from big business interests?

Joe Montemayor offers change, and he offers much needed leadership for House District 127. It is time for a state representative that is responsive to constituents and that will lead to enhance PK-12 resources; fight to make colleges and universities affordable for middle class families; and protect and grow small businesses in the area.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Recovering From Ike and From Bad Leadership

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

As I write these lines, I wish I could say that we all have our lives back in order after dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane IKE, but the truth is that many of us are continuing to live with no light, bottled water, the costly re-fueling of our generators (at least those of us lucky to have one) and a ton of frustration.

Personally, my family and I sat in the dark for 11 days (with the exception of three nights that we were lucky enough to get a hotel room) and I know that there are a number of families still sitting and living in the dark.

This morning, I was told by a neighbor in Crosby that CenterPoint had advised her that power would not be restored to her street until November. She then told me that the neighborhood consists of retirees in their 70s and that one resident was a woman that was 92 years old.

I find this situation unacceptable and understood her frustration but I also had to remind her that I was a candidate and not an elected official. I referred this neighbor to Harris County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia's office who has a long history of taking immediate action to correct situations such as this one.

She seemed to take some relief in my response and asked what actions had been taken by our other elected officials and I had no answer.

The truth is my opponent Joe Crabb has made no statement before or after the storm. No one knows where he is or what he has done to help the district during this crisis. I've even heard some neighbors say that he has been staying at his ranch in Gonzalez county while his district lived (and continues to live) in the dark.

Congressman Ted Poe, before the storm, claimed that he and County Judge Emmett had organized matters with FEMA and were well prepared to assist the district with any of their needs when the storm passed. Later, he was very critical at the lack of response from FEMA and the judgments of Judge Emmett when FEMA PODs were failing to release supplies at various locations.

Judge Emmett seemed to be more concerned with media coverage, instead of attending to the needs of our district. Case in point, District 127 received their first POD in the Highlands area two days after the initial FEMA PODs were established by Judge Emmett's office. I question Judge Emmett’s reasoning behind area placements of PODs, and not just the fact that these locations were running out of supplies only hours after opening.

During the peak of the crisis, I spoke with my campaign manager Stace Medellin, and we both were concerned with the lack of response for the citizens in our district and after our conference, he made a call to various elected officials' offices and provided blog space in his call requesting assistance for people in the district. Someone must have been reading because after Highlands came Channelview, then a location in Crosby. Our friends in Humble also had one open; however, they also had to deal with supplies running out or delays in delivery.
I must give kudos to Commissioner Sylvia Garcia and her staff for their quick response to the needs of the southern part of the district.

Those criticizing citizens most (Gov. Perry and Judge Emmett) thought that residents who were complaining about the lack of leadership were doing so without cause; however, I point to the fact that most of the district had prepared as our elected officials had instructed with bottled water, food and extra cash, but no one anticipated power to be interrupted for so long. This fact made it impossible for residents to buy supplies and gas even with cash in hand when supplies ran out; thus, making accessibility to PODs vital. But slow reactions and political miscalculations showed us the lack of leadership evident within the County and District.

Friends, mistakes have been made, but the failure to recognize and repair these mistakes falls on the current Republican leadership. They have failed from the top to the bottom of the ballot.

Several of you are not happy with the leadership that has been displayed during this crisis, but you must remember that you have a choice come November to demonstrate your disapproval and demand change in our government.

Please remember early voting start October 20th.

Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House District 127,
Joe A. Montemayor

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ike Visit

Dear Neighbors,

Today, like most of you, I woke up with the intent of honoring the memory of the American that became victims of the terrorist attack of 9/11 however hurricane Ike had a different idea.

Ike is scheduled to hit the district on early Saturday morning and I have spent the day preparing for it’s arrival however, I strongly recommend that if you have been order to evacuate from a critical area that you do leave. If you elect to stay, please be sure to have at lease a 4 days supply of food, water, medication, and dry clothes.

Keep you gas tank full, you cell phone charge, have enough cash to see you through the next few days and most of all, please be understanding of one another.

From my family to the district please be safe and God be with all of us.

Your Democratic Candidate for State Representative of 127

Joe A. Montemayor

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Montemayor Opens East Belt Headquarters

As the Obama-Biden pre-speech excitement grew, a crowd of family and supporters gathered at the opening of the Joe Montemayor for Texas House Headquarters, located on the East Belt Northbound (between Woodforest and Wallisville Rds.). DosCentavos blogger and Montemayor campaign chief Stace Medellin served as the emcee for the morning ceremony.

Supporters were treated to a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem by Dr. David Perkins, who also led the Pledge of Allegiance. The colors were presented by the Channelview High School ROTC under the direction of Sgt. Duane Adams. Members of the color guard were: Major Mariana Valdez, Lt. Col. Natalia Gonzalez, and Lt. Samantha Dupree.

The Pledge and Anthem were indeed a special moment as the U.S. flag used in the ceremony was flown over the U.S. Capitol on September 11, 2002, and was presented to Mr. Montemayor by Congressman Gene Green upon his retirement from the Dept. of Homeland Security after 26 years of service and four years in the U.S. Navy. Upon military-styled folding of the flag, Sgt. Adams presented the flag to Montemayor.

Candidate for Tax Assessor-Collector Diane Trautman's remarks centered on her previous race for Texas House-127, a hard-fought race in which the Democrat reached the 40% mark against the incumbent. Trautman stated, "Joe Montemayor is the right candidate to finish the job that I began," because of his strong commitment to public education in Texas.

Montemayor centered his remarks on his platform and the lack of representation on issues, such as education funding, CHIP, and political accountability by the incumbent, stating, "...the lack of courage by my opponent to stand against the republican leadership has created a monster that our children and grand children now have to face."

Montemayor cited a multi-million dollar deficit at Humble I.S.D., and a proposed property tax increase to be voted on in November; his opponent Joe Crabb's vote against funding of CHIP; a costly small business franchise tax; and Crabb's vote to outsource various services, including MHMR, which is now under federal investigation for abuses toward clients.

"What the Republicans call 'limiting state government' is actually a roadblock to services for people who need them, whether it is middle class families, the intellectually challenged, or the future of Texas--our children," said Montemayor, adding, "it is time to put Texas back on track with independent leadership that I will provide."

After the short ceremony, supporters enjoyed light refreshments and political conversation. Much is planned from this field office, said Montemayor. "This office is not only a place to campaign, but it also serves as proof that I will have an open door for all of our constituents."

For more information on the Joe Montemayor campaign, visit For more information on Diane Trautman, visit

Special Note: Joe Montemayor would like to thank his wife Noemi and his family for serving as hosts; to Diane Trautman for all of her support; Monica Richart from the Trautman Campaign; Felicity Pereyra for stocking the office with "Change" signs; to the Channelview HS ROTC for their service, as well as Dr. David Perkins for providing his talent; and to Lenora Sorola-Pohlman of the Tejano Democrats for providing the Pan Dulce for the event.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Joey & Lorraine

Dear Neighbors,

First, I wish to thank all my friends and family that attended Joey's and Lorraine shower this weekend. both Noemi and I are blessed to have so many friends and family who love us.
I wish to give my personal thanks t my brother James and my Sister in Law Sylvia for preparing the Bar-B-Q, to my sister Toni provided the Potato Salad and to my brother Joel who provided other item including his time.

But the people that I wish to thank most of all is my mom Magdalena and my dad Jose who taught their children to love and honor their parents, respect everyone and that we had a responsibility to help improve our community. The lessons that will always be remember.
Also I wish to ask all of you to be safe in preparing for T/S Eduardo. I have spent the day preparing for this pending storm as many of you have.
Again, thank you and good luck to all of you.

Joe Montemayor
Candidate for Texas HD 127

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Atascocita 4th of July

Dear Neighbors,

Yesterday, my family and I, along with a group of our supporters, participated in the Atascocita 4th of July celebration. We had a wonderful time meeting the residents of the community both before and during the parade.
A number of children were in their strollers, on their bikes, in their golf carts and in their vehicles decorated with flags and ribbons to honor our forefathers and the birth of our Nation.

Also, I was wearing my Vietnam Veteran cap and I was greatly honored as fellow vets stopped by to shake my hand and wish me luck in my campaign. As we waited for the start of the parade, I was approached by some of our neighbors who said that they were Republicans but were not happy with the current state of the GOP.

I reminded our neighbors that the problems facing the district have nothing to do with party affiliations. It is not a question of being a Republican or a Democratic candidate, a Liberal or an Independent candidate but it is a question of who can get results. The truth is that our district has no voice in Austin.

I was then asked my views on the proposed property tax hike by the Humble ISD that would be facing the residents in November. I advised these folks that after attending various meetings, including a personal meeting with Dr. Sconzo, Superintendent of Humble ISD, I believe that the school board had very few options before they proposed the tax hike. Further, I believe that they were made certain promises by the state leadership regarding school funding but were later betrayed by the State Leaders that they help send to Austin.

I was then approached about the mobility problem (or lack of mobility) facing the Atascocita, Humble and Kingwood areas: specifically, the lack of Metro services. I explained that I understood their frustration given the fact the gas was close to $4.00 per gallon; however, Metro issues need to be addressed on the City and County level of government. But as an elected official, I would be able to speak on the people's behalf to request added services and routes.

Generally, I am aware of the proposed expansion of FM 1960 and FM 2100 in hopes of relieving the traffic problems within these areas. Further, I pointed out that the next State Representative must be willing to go toe to toe with the Texas Department of Transportation (TDOT) to ensure that delays are at a minimum, cost overages to the State are non-existent and that they are accountable to the people of Texas, no matter the situation.

Finally I was asked about the Joe Horn case.

As I responded to this individual, I pointed out that I was speaking as a citizen, a retired federal agent, father and brother with family members in law enforcement presently serving our community.

I do believe in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, we all have the right to own firearms; especially if we are properly trained in their use. Further, I believe that an individual has the right to protect his/her family and property, including the use of deadly force if necessary, but that said, we are also responsible for our actions when using these weapons.

As a retired officer, I can say that one of the worst calls an officer is faced with is that of a well-meaning citizen holding an individual at gun point. In this situation the officer is faced not only with apprehending the criminal, but also the possibility of being shot or having to shoot in most cases an inexperienced civilian who is an emotional state and is not thinking clearly.

When individuals are advised by law enforcement professionals that they are responding to a situation and are given specific instructions that the individual elects to ignore, the individual not only placed themselves in danger but also the officers responding to the call. For this reason, a person must be held accountable for their actions.

The Houston Community News reported last month that applications for Concealed Handgun Licenses have risen 39% this year and I believe that this is a result of our population growth and the public's lack of faith in our law enforcement community. Was this a factor in the Horn case?
In Mr. Horn's case, I understand that he believed that he was acting in good faith and the Harris County Grand Jury agreed; however, in his last statement to the media Mr. Horn appeared to regret his actions. I believe that Mr. Horn, although well meaning, made a poor decision.

The individuals who ask me this question departed with mixed responses, some positive, some not so positive, but with the understanding that they may not agree with my views, I am willing to listen to their opinion.

I wish to thank the organizers of the 4th of July parade and they should be proud of this grand event. In my opinion, the event is an example of what hometown America truly is.

Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House District 127
Joe A. Montemayor

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Press Release on Humble ISD Tax Increase

Dear Neighbors,

For those of you who have emailed and called regarding my views on the proposed tax hike rate in Humble I am posting the press release that we prepared after the Humble School board announced their plan.

MONTEMAYOR REACTS To Humble ISD Tax Increase Proposal

CROSBY, TX - 06/29/08- Candidate for Texas House-District 127 Joe Montemayor reacted to a proposed tax increase to be placed before Humble I.S.D. voters in the fall.

"I feel for our local school boards who have been placed in this situation by a Texas leadership which chooses to play politics, instead of taking the needs of our kids seriously," said Montemayor, adding, "Thirteen years after the election of George W. Bush as governor, school funding has not been resolved and now Gov. Perry, Lt. Gov. Dewhurst and Speaker Craddick refuse to address the issue.
Unfortunately, it appears that my opponent Joe Crabb has no interest in standing up to his party leaders, which leaves the district without a voice." Humble ISD joins other fast-growth school districts that have had to cut deeply into their budgets, while raising taxes on working and middle class homeowners. Humble ISD trustees recently voted to cut $9 million from their budget, while asking voters to increase their property tax rate by 13 cents per $100/valuation.
"Our current representative, Joe Crabb, has only served as a rubber stamp for the leadership in Austin. Rick Perry, David Dewhurst, and Speaker Craddick have washed their hands of the situation and have said they will not address school funding during the next legislative session," said Montemayor.
Instead of increasing school funding to meet population growth and the costs of educating our kids, an expected windfall from the new business tax, which allowed legislators to offer a limited tax cut, will now be used to pay for the tax cut, instead of our educational needs. School districts, with decreased funding, will be forced to increase their property tax rates, with voter approval, to meet their needs. Said Montemayor, "Joe Crabb and the Texas leadership are committed to starving our public education system, while leaving the tax burden on parents.
"If you want a representative that will value our kids, then there is a choice in this race, and I am ready to serve as an independent voice that will work for the people of District 127 with an open mind and an open door."

Your Candidate for Texas HD 127

Joe Montemayor

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back From Austin

June 4, 2008

Dear Neighbors,

I have just returned from the Democratic state convention in Austin and to be truthful I am so grateful to have witnessed how strong we all are as a Party, but we must remain united.

Although I did witness some lively debates between Hillary supporters and Obama supporters the one thing that party officials and all candidates reminded all attendees of was that we were all Democrats with a common goal: Winning everything from the White House to the State House to the Court House.

This message took time to take hold but as the convention ended I began to see changes in individuals that had been in attendance, realizing that there is power in our numbers, so I am firmly convinced that we will be an unstoppable force come November.

While in Austin, I received some long awaited news. I received the formal endorsement of the Harris County AFL-CIO Council. As a former union leader and the son of a union man, this endorsement is one that I highly value . I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Richard Shaw with the Harris County AFL-CIO endorsement committee for all his efforts and hard work.

I also wish to thank Congressman Gene Green, Congressman Al Green, Congressman Solomon Ortiz and the members of the Texas Democratic House Campaign Committee that have endorsed my campaign.

Now that the convention excitement is over, we can now return to the tasks at hand that will take us to victory: Blockwalking/Leafletting, Fundraising, Phonebanking and building on our base. I look forward to seeing you on the trail.

Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House District 127

Joe A. Montemayor

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


June 4, 2008

Dear Neighbors,

Last month our campaign was a little busy. I was invited for coffee and cake at a supporter's home in Atascocita; invited to address a meeting of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees in Humble, attended a budget workshop of the Humble ISD School Board and attended Memorial Day Services in Crosby/Highlands.

At all of these events, the residents of District 127 seemed to have the same concern regarding public education funding. Perhaps it was due to the school board elections and the number of bond issues that were on the ballot, but I was repeatedly asked my position regarding the critical stage of school funding in Texas.

I reminded everyone of my positions:

  • Congress should amend and fund No Child Left Behind (NCLB) so we can better prioritize federal dollars to address the needs of our children and teachers and not the wants of politicians.
  • The leadership in Texas must demand reimbursement from the Federal government for state funds used to comply with the NCLB unfunded mandate.
  • The state must close corporate tax loopholes that rob revenues that we allocate for education, and that only benefit corporations that outsource Texas jobs to other states and/or other countries.
  • The state must demand an investigation of the present property tax system to assess the fairness of the system at all taxing levels, including residential, commercial and industrial properties. The burden should not only be on homeowners.
  • Our state leaders must stop the practice of diverting education funds to other programs without the approval of the state legislature.
  • We must demand an audit of Gov. Perry's $300,000,000.00 corporate slush fund controlled by a select group in his office that continues to siphon funds from all taxable revenues. Have these tax dollars directly benefited local schools?
  • And we must give consideration to other revenue opportunities, such as an expansion of gambling as long as proceeds are diverted to the state's education investment, while creating local jobs, increasing sales tax revenue, and creating more small businesses. All possible sources must be on the table.

I was also asked if I would support a state income tax. (The Republican Leadership has been using this threat of a state income tax as an election platform against Democrats running for office)

As I have previously stated, I am opposed to a state income tax at this time because I believe that by implementing the above stated practices, we can better prioritze our resources, generate additional tax revenues and stimulate our economy.

I was then asked, “Mr. Montemayor, the State Controller just announced that they expect a state budget surplus of over 10 billion dollars this year. Why can’t the state just fund our schools with that surplus?” And here's my response:

The truth is that, as I understand it, during the last legislative session the Republican leadership put forth legislation to earmark tax dollars from any future budget surplus. In other words the 10 billion dollar surplus has already been allocated to line-items identified by the Republican leadership, none of which was for education. According to the Center for Public Policy Priorities (2008), any 2010-2011 surplus is earmarked for the Property Tax Relief Fund, which is already committed to pay for previous tax cuts (remember your small school property tax cut last year?), and to the Rainy Day Fund, which is reserved for emergencies. In all likelihood, the state will again be unable to fund critical public systems without new sources of revenue.

Further, Governor Perry, Lt Governor Dewhurst and House Speaker Craddick have publicly stated that they do not intend to address this issue in the next legislative section. In their opinion school funding has already been addressed and there is no reason to visit the issue again during the 2009 session. Their position is shared by one of their main supporters, my opponent, Joe Crabb.

Due to the current 26 million dollar deficit facing the Humble ISD, the number of bond proposals that were presented this last election, the number of school boards having to cut programs and electives for our children, the termination of support staff and teachers through the states and the rising dropout rate of our students, I cannot agree with the Republican Leadership's position.

We must, as leaders in our state, stop playing politics, stop using partisan scare tactics, stop diveriting our tax dollars to political slush funds, and begin finding solutions to these critical issues. Otherwise the ones who will pay a heavy price will be our children and our grandchildren.

I once again invite Mr. Crabb to join me in a meaningful discussion to try to find solutions to the challenges that are faced by residents of House District 127. I confess that I do not have the answers to all the challenges that face our community, but I do believe that if we stop playing politics and work together we can find common ground and begin working toward solutions that work.

Democratically yours,

Joe Montemayor
Candidate, Texas House-District 127

Monday, May 12, 2008

Joe Reacts to May 10th Elections

May 12, 2008

Dear Neighbors,

I wish to thank everyone that voted on May 10th.

This election established that the residents of House District 127 truly believe in the future of Texas by approving the bonds needed to expand our community colleges and our local school districts.

Humble ISD; Lone Star College System; and San Jacinto College District
I would also like to thank those individuals who supported candidate Vernon Reed who was seeking a seat on the Humble ISD School Board. Although Mr. Reed was not victorious, he proved to be knowledgeable of the issues and received the support of many local leaders. He has stated that he will continue his work with the school board to assist with the needs of Humble ISD. In my opinion, Vernon is a great asset to the community and I look forward to our continued partnership to put the needs of our school children first.

We now continue our campaign to take back the Texas House, and with your help, we shall be victorious!

Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House Dist. 127,

Joe A. Montemayor

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Republicans Fail Our Special Needs Texans

April 20, 2008

Dear Neighbors,

As you may know, I have stated that one of the reasons that I am running for State Representative of District 127 is to advocate for services that the state is providing to our special needs Texans. I have been clear in my position that the Republican leadership has failed miserably in this area and our current representative has simply served as a rubber stamp for Rick Perry.

Like many District 127 residents, I have family members that are in need of these services. I have personal knowledge of the lack of funding, public awareness, medical support and of the abuses that have occurred with the Mental Health and Mental Retardation program within our state.

Recently the Houston Chronicle ran an article by Jeff Carlton with the Associated Press titled, Hundreds of state employees abused Texas patients.

This article describes the prior and pending investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice of the 13 state schools and centers that provide services to these individuals. Further, this article states that 800 employees have been suspended or fired for abusing patients since fiscal year 2004.

What I find disturbing about this article is that this abuse has been occurring at an increasing rate (180 reported incidents occurred in 2004, 203 reported incidents occurred in 2005, 200 reported incidents occurred in 2006, and 239 employees were fired in 2007).

When the Republican Governor’s office was contacted and informed of the Justice Department investigation spokesperson Allison Castle stated, “We certainly welcome their findings and the governor wants to ensure all residents of state schools receive the highest quality care.”

I find this statement unacceptable. If the Republican leadership was truly concerned about these Texas residents, why did it take an investigation from the Department of Justice to finally effect a response?

Is it the position of the Republican Party to discard of these individuals because of their disabilities? Or perhaps since most are non-voting members of our society their well being is not a top priority for the Republican leadership.

I can only assure the people of District 127 that, when elected, I will represent all residents within the district and will work to ensure quality services are provided to these Texans, with respect for human dignity.

Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House Dist. 127,
Joe A. Montemayor

May 10th Elections

Dear Neighbors,

I wish to remind everyone that we have a School Board Election on May 10th and would encourage everyone to vote.

This election entails a number of issues particularly the funding of our Community Colleges. I strongly support these Bond proposals because we must ensure that our workforce has the tools necessary to compete in the global market.

Also I would ask for you support of candidate Vernon Reed who is seeking a seat on the Humble ISD School Board. I have met with Mr. Reed on several occasions and he is well-qualified and aware of the needs of Humble ISD. In my opinion he would be an even greater asset to our kids and our community if elected to Position 5.

Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House Dist. 127,

Joe A. Montemayor

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Interview with Jorge

Dear Neighbors,

Last week, I was interviewed by a young man, Jorge Olguin who is a student at San Jacinto Community College. He had contacted me because he was attempting to complete a special project for his Government professor and asked if I would willing to answer questions on issues involving House District 127.

I sensed that both Jorge and his professor had another motives regarding this request but nonetheless the next day over coffee I attempted to answer Jorge questions.

Jorge asked, “Mr. Montemayor, I am thankful that you agreed to answer my questions and I only wish that your opponent would do the same. I have tried to contact Mr. Crabb but he has failed to return my call and I can only get an answering machine. I understand that he has a history of not responding to residents in House District 127. Are you aware of this practice and do you intend following his practice if elected?”

I answered, “Jorge, I can understand your frustration and you are not the first person to have difficulty in reaching Mr. Crabb. In fact Mr. Crabb’s failure to return calls and refusals to meet with individuals in the district has been noted in the media. I do not know the actual circumstances regarding these incidents and it would be unfair of me to speculate what Mr. Crabb’s motives were at the time.

I can only state that when elected I would make every effort to receive all residents of House District 127. With such a large district, I anticipate that some adjustments may be necessary to schedule time and to seek the assistance from staff members to accommodate all residents of the district.”

Jorge then asked, “Sir, I graduated from Channelview High school; and have lived in the district for the past six years and I have never met Mr. Crabb, also I have asked friends of mine who have lived in Baytown, Highlands and Crosby and no one can recall Mr. Crabb attending any school function or any other community functions. I did find during the course of my research that he is very active in the Kingwood area. It appears that he is focused solely on the Kingwood area, don’t you agree?”

I replied, “Jorge, I can only refer you to Mr. Crabb for your answer.

As for myself I can only say that both my sons graduated from Channelview High School, went on to San Jacinto Community College and later to Sam Houston State where my son Joe received two degrees and my son James is still attending. My daughter and son in law live in Baytown where my three grandchildren attend Goose Creek Schools. My wife and I live in Crosby where we are active in our church, LULAC Council 4706, Knights of Columbus, Harris County Democratic Party, the Kingwood Area Democrats and the Hispanic Executive Society of Kingwood.

I realize that House District 127 is a large district that includes ten school districts with over 138,000 students and three community colleges but my hope is that as a State Representative I would serve as a role model for all students. Not only by attending school functions but also by working with parents and staff of these districts to provide a better understanding regarding the needs of all our residents and obtaining resources vital to serving the children of our districts.”

Jorge then asked, “Speaking of the children in the district, Mr. Crabb voted against the Texas Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP program) during the last legislative section but he never explained what his reasons were for voting against the program. I would like to know what your position is on this issue.”

I replied, “Jorge, I believe that in life each person must account for their actions to the people that these actions affect.

Again, I cannot speak for Mr. Crabb but it is common knowledge that the Republican leadership stated that if approved, the CHIP program would provide benefits to children of illegal aliens residing in the Texas.

Do I agree with this reason? To be truthful, no, I do not.

As I understand the program:

  • The CHIP program is not a free benefit given to anyone.
  • In order to qualify for the CHIP program, the parents must have assistance and incomes below established levels. (A family of three would be required to have an annual income of less that $20,000.00 per year.)
  • The program allows families (parents, step-parents, grandparents, other relatives, legal guardians or adult brother or sisters) without health insurance to obtain low cost health insurance for any child (under 19 years of age) that is a United States Citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States.
  • No adult regardless of their nationality or legal status can obtain coverage under the program.
  • The funds that are spent by the state regarding this program are match dollar for dollar by the federal government which allows the state to cover more uninsured children.
In my opinion Jorge, the Republican leadership was playing politics with the children of Texas. They knew that in taking this position they were punishing low income U.S. citizen children.”

As the interview continued, it was obvious that Jorge was voicing the same frustration that other residents have experienced with the lack of representation for our district with respect to accessibility to our elected official, education and health care.

I can only remind everyone within the district that we have the opportunity to correct this situation in November. Please visit my website at

Your Democratic Candidate for Texas House Dist. 127,

Joe A. Montemayor

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Dear Neighbors,

I just what to wish all of you a wonderful Easter Sunday.

May you and your family enjoy each other company and the blessing that have been bestowed to all of us.

Joe Montemayor

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Press: Montemayor Welcomes Crabb to Race

For Immediate Release

Contact: Joe Montemayor-281-452-6888


Democratic candidate for Texas House District 127 Joe Montemayor extends his congratulations to Joe Crabb on his Primary victory. Republican incumbent Joe Crabb held on to earn another shot at re-election in November; however, he was held to 7399 votes. “Given the more balanced political make-up of the district, as was exhibited in this primary election, I would also like to invite Rep. Crabb to openly and honestly discuss the issues that most affect the people of our district, such as K-12 and community college funding, Children's Health Insurance, and services for seniors and the disabled.”

Democrat Joe Montemayor collected 10,061 votes while unopposed, and is now better prepared than most challengers have been at this point in the campaign to challenge Crabb. “We will now begin the process of introducing Mr. Montemayor to a greatly expanded list of voters of District 127, while also showing voters the policy differences between him and the incumbent,” said Montemayor campaign manager, Stace Medellin adding, “I believe the voters will not only see the differences, but will be able to decide who of the two candidates represents them best in Austin based on those issues.”

And with an increasingly balanced electorate, Montemayor feels that the opportunity exists for a strong candidate to attract independents and disaffected Republicans; however, he will also put much effort into bringing out voters in oft-ignored Channelview, Barrett Station, Highlands, and Crosby. “I am looking forward to reaching every voter, while being inclusive of those areas beyond Kingwood and Atascocita, so that we can have a frank and honest discussion about the issues that affect all of our constituents.”

At the Kingwood early voting location, Democrats accounted for 46% of all votes. In other parts of District 127, which includes Crosby, Barrett Station, Atascocita, and Channelview, Democratic voters outnumbered Republicans. “However one analyzes it, there has been exponential growth in the number of identified Democrats in District 127,” said Montemayor, adding, “and it’s about time.”

A retired Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer, Montemayor offers 29 years of public service experience, working with the Department of Homeland Security and serving in the United States Navy. “As a professional in the public sector, I learned first-hand the need for responsiveness and high-quality constituency services, which District 127 has been lacking,” added Montemayor, “The people of District 127 will notice the change in service, the change in priorities, and the added incentive of experience when I begin to serve.”

For more information, visit

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stop the Conflict

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dear Neighbors,

This morning, over coffee with my wife, I found myself reminiscing over the events of a dinner party we had the night before. It was nothing big, just a small group of family and friends that we haven’t seen in a while. Our son Joey had come down for the weekend from San Marcos, my daughter Monica Son in Law Bill and my grand kids were all there as well. Basically we were exited to visit with my cousins Betty and Victor their daughters Belinda, Liliana and Lily’s husband as well John.

It was kind of a surreal situation, because I was really looking forward to finally meeting and talking to John. He has been serving in the Army for 7 years and just completed his 3rd tour of duty in Iraq, oddly he wanted to talk to me about my campaign.

After our meal and a drink we ended up openly visiting and expressing our concerns about Iraq, our current leadership and the overwhelmingly negative opinion that the world now has of America. Finally, we both agreed that this up coming election would be a turning point, not only for the American people but also in the overall reputation of the USA.

After this conclusion, John then stated that he was having a real problem in deciding which of the three candidates to vote for. He said that he did not like the Republican candidate, he would however vote for ONE of the Democratic candidates if indeed this candidate was to win the nomination.

To be honest, this was not the first time that I have heard this argument. So I posed this question to John, and I will also pose it to all who find themselves in this same dilemma.



After asking this question John looked at me stunned. I then explained that when I ask this question it is to put things back into perspective.

I constantly point out that according the Republican candidate we must, “stay the course and in time all will work out”. (McCain publicly stated that he would be fine with keeping American troops in Iraq for 100 -or even 1 million years.)
The Democratic candidates on the other hand both agree that America must have change; furthermore, they tend to be in agreement on almost every significant issue that needs to be addressed but differ as to how to fix these issues.

The problem with this election is that a division is being created in the Democratic Party, not because of anything politically significant but for the worst reasons there could possibly be within a society, Racism and Sexism.

In the determination of having their candidate attain the nomination, individuals in both camps are leading the democratic voters to an “all are nothing” type position. (If their candidate doses not win the nomination of the party, don’t vote or vote for another candidate).

In my opinion, this hostility and developing attitude only helps the Republicans in the end.

We know that both Democratic candidates all well qualified and can bring about these desperately needed changes for the betterment of society. Further, regardless if we are male or female, White, Black, Asian, Latino, even Purple for that matter; we in the Democratic Party must unite and bring forth our resources and efforts to support the nominee whether this be Senator Clinton or Senator Obama.

John eventually seen the reason within my argument and I am not sure if he completely agrees with me, but I know that he now has a lot to think about.

So, to all of you that are in the same dilemma, ask your self this:



Your Democratic Candidate for State Representative of 127

Joe A. Montemayor